Wednesday, March 22, 2017


A bad friendship is not that easily recognized, we often have our minds blinded with the typical image of "helping others" or being a "symphatetic friend" to the ones you love, but, if we pay a little more attention in how our surroundings work we'll see that more of the half actions done are mean to manipulate or harm others for their own benefits, like more attention around them or gain the attention of your best friend isolating you in the conversations.

There are plenty more bad things that happen in a bad friendship that aren't easily recognized by yourself. I have some solutions to them on how to avoid those people whose plans is to ruin your general companionship.

  1. Ignoring the friend that ignores you
  2. Being self-sufficient to avoid toxic friendship that uses your devotion to help other people.
  3. Beware the interloper.
  4. Avoid the queen bee, this person has a thought of superiority above someone else, making other people "servants".
  5. Avoid the snob.
  6. Steer clear of the victim, who exudes "poor me", and "my life is horrible". This people always comes in your advice with no uncertain terms in how much hardship they are getting through. 
  7. Be wary of the self-centred.
If you pay observation in those guidelines I assure you willl only have good friends in your circles! But be careful! some of them just need a little of talk to change their way of thinking! =)

Resultat d'imatges de Friendship

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Nowdays the condition of the world has gotten worse, there aren't World Wars but there are so many "minor" wars throughout all the world. The actual problem that involves everyone is the continous problem of limited planet resources such as oil among other things too. Humanity, the only race that bumps twice into the same rock. But since the development of gunpowder and electricity, things gone far beyond control, mankind gone blind, dazzled with the newest technologies and the incessant researh of new materials, when the rest of the world who don't have water nor food are dying. In other meanings the humanity the last century became more arrogant, more egocentric, and selfish, they ignore problems involving other people because they think it's not their quandary.

I don't see much future in the world, I just think the world is near the last moments before it's death and with us in the middle. It will not be the Sun nor a meteor, it will be us that will destruct our home planet because of our selfish thoughts and expresionless mind for the planet.

Some think God will be the punisher but I think we will be the ones that will punish ourselves. Cleansing all our sins with a cold breath and heart.

Resultat d'imatges de Judgment Day


This new talks about the spy devices that CIA could implant in our smartphones, TV and even the radios. We live in a world where the Internet is global in scope, all devices are connected directly or indirectly to a source of network from which spooks can introduce theirselves to spy your device. Smartphones from the last 10 years their global reach has considerally rose to a point it's easy for governamental forces to inject spying microchips to control the multitude. Although there are spy programs that hijack your information, there are  also programs that prevent malicious malware to act in your gadget.

The new says that we need to actually be protected for the cyberattacks, aguing that we live in a era of cyber warfare. You need to update your antivirus and antimalware programs also your applications, by doing so you prevent cracks in your shields from which malware can introduce. Downloading a patch also prevents some errors or malfunctions. It also recommends people to read the permissions that applications oblige you in order to access it, if you do so, you prevent accepting strange permissions that want access to your microphone, camera or localization.


This theory I have of mine it's just a little bit gruff to explain for those people who actually are psychologically ill. But even if they're ill  or insane I always ask a question to myself: Why they are ill? Why they are insane? What's the source of their mental unstability? Is it despair? Is it rage? Is it a trauma? Well I searched the sources of insanity, and there are plenty of them on Internet. 

One of them explains how the insanity affects people in their nowadays lives. Some of them have schizophrenia, voices in their heads whispering suicide or killing ideas, it's a pretty bad state of illnes this because you don't know when you will lose control of yourself and start killing other people. Others have post-traumatic amnesia, schizophrenia, and dissociative identity disorder, making all those illness a brain crash for the victim. 

For me one of the most shocking illness which affects our brain is dissociative disorder of reality, an illness that's able to mix your brain completly and making you see things that are not real. This illness also prevents you to distinguish the reality and fiction so it's pretty a problem for those who endure this sickness. Most of them are protective defenses of our brain, a measure to cope with traumas.

Resultat d'imatges de Mental Illness


Resultat d'imatges de Ying Yang true meaning


First of all, Yin-Yang symbol is characterizde for being of the budist religion, it's used by the monks who seek the Buda's Illumination by balancing the two inner positive and negative energies. Though, there are some people who don't truly know the real meaning of this symbol.

The black color symbolizes the Yin energy, negative energy. It's assigned to Death, Stillness, the Moon, the Cold, the Soft, the weak and the negative. The Yin energy means desire of materials in the terrenal time lapse.

The white color symbolizes the Yang energy, the positive one. It's assigned to all those positive thing that happens in your life: Movement, life, agression, dominance, strenght, love, mercy and affirmation.  The Yang energy means the seek of serenity in the soul, the seek of spiritual still. 


Resultat d'imatges de Meaning of Yin Yang

In other words there is always a piece of our opposite inside us no matter how much it predominates.


Resultat d'imatges de Tales of Berseria


Tales of Berseria is the last game I finished recently. It's a game of fiction-adventure medieval style game which purpose is to immerse yourself into a world where the malevolence it's a evil energy which transforms those people whom have inside their hearts enough malevolence to transform their humanity into a daemon whose purpose could be grief, vengeance, love, rage, anger, sadness... causing them to kill humans. But in this world, exist malakhim a specie of seraphs who help the exorcist against their own will because the will of seraphs was stolen by the exorcist who manipulates seraphs in their purpose against daemons causing trouble to citizens around the world.

The story starts with a young girl named Velvet Crowe, whose family was happy until the day her sister, Celica, died in hands of daemons. Her stepfather, Arthur, that day decided to cleanse the humanity from all sins, root of all source of malevolence. It was a wrong idea, for this tho happen he had to sacriface a pure heart, clean of all malevolence, and for this purpose, her young brother served as a sacriface for a ritual to accomplish her stepfather's purpose making her older sister, Velvet, angry, furious, thirsty of vengeance, a colateral effect occured in the ritual and she became a daemon too but not a simple daemon like any other, she was a type of daemon called Therion whose power was to devour another daemons and absorb their powers making them more powerful and unstoppable. 

In my opinion this game it's another.... semi psichological game because of all the sins the humanity is carrying on their backs, making people thinking about what they have done. There is so much simbolism in this game like the sources of malevolence of a human heart.... and in the end if we don't control those emotions we just end being monsters ourselves, isn't that true?


Global map of the February 2017 LOTI (land-ocean temperature index) anomaly shows that North America and Siberia were again much warmer than the 1951-1980 base period, and that Europe was relatively warm. Credit: NASA/GISS. View larger image.

This year's Febraury was the warmest Febraury in the last 137 years. It was 1.1 celsius more warmer than the other February months from 1951-1980 and 0.20 celsius cooler than last year's February, being it's  temperature increase of 1.3 degree celsius. Those data were recorded from 6300 different meteorological stations around the world  with ship- and -buoy-based instruments measuring sea surface temperature.

This is another sign of a global warming that's happening now around the world, in my opinion if we still have some chances to reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, maybe, we could stop the floods about to come but recent data told me that even though we removed or stopped the carbon dioxide emision the planet would suffer for 760 more years for carbon dioxide to dispel. This means the global warming will still be on until 800 years have passed.

Fashion Quiz Result Opinion


First of all I must warn people watching this that it's not a Unisex quiz, it's for girls only, I'm not a girl but today I had to take this quiz. The results were that I'm a sport style person but I totally disagree with this affirmation, even though I wear sport clothes but only for comfort matters. It's easier to me to walk and have more pliancy when I run or sit, it doesn't puts pressure on my hips, so it's way more comforting to sit down for large ammounts of hours in a chair when you're in class. In my opinion I like to live life in comfort, without many problems that torment my head making life difficult to live.