Wednesday, January 25, 2017


I did one of those 16 personalities test and those were the results: 

An INFP type... well , I am an Introverted person because I don't really like being a celebrity or someone popular, so many people looks forward for you sometimes, admire you, others will hate you for your actions and opinions done in public situations. Although I'm Introverted I'm happy with that, I live well with small groups of people, it's much easier for me to communicate and I know when I can trust someone or not. I sincerely preffer few friends which I can trust than having more than 50 friends who I don't really know deeply.

Now, i'm pretty Intuitive (although it says I have just 22%, a slight preference of Intuition over Sensing)  somewhat I don't really rely on logic for resolving mathematical equations, I do it instinctivly, it's not mechanical it's just... understanding I suppose. Sometimes, I have to say that my intuition goes wrong and at the end I do errors like the rest of humanity, humans aren't perfect.

The third facet of personality turn out to be Feeling, in other meanings, I use more feelings than thinking. I agree with this result because thinking, normally, conceals your true feelings as well it can make you  chose bad options that will affect other negatively. So I tolerate abover other things listening to what my heart wants me to say than listening to my own thoughts.

Finally, and the last one, I have a moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging. I am a free spirit, I don't really want to judge anyone, it, somehow, makes me sad (this actually because of  feeling more over sensing). So that's why I agree with the final result  I made in this quiz.

If you want to see more or less more information about my personality type I leave the link of my result here, at the bottom there is more information about my personalty type, also other's type as well:

Wednesday, January 11, 2017



"Artifact and Images that have intrigued humans for centuries"
"Beauty in ancient cultures"
"Different ways of contemplate Beauty"
"Eyes of Beauty and Heart of Beauty, we feel both of them"

In this talk Denis Dutton talks about how the evolution made beauty an alluring way to express ourselves, even Mother Nature. He wants to show us how much the notion of beauty changed across the human and animal timeline  and nature as well. He talks about our perception of beauty in landscapes (the gorgeous ones), and how it had influenced at us. He also makes a recoil to the prehistoric times where the troglodyte had a clear expression of beauty in the way they made their tools: oval and almost symmetric, without scraches or marks of being used before in cutting or chopping. With those evidences, the art lovers deduced that ancient cavemans also had a perception about beauty. The other way, animals like peacock have beauty on them like their shinning and dazzling blue tails that male peacock use to attract female ones, in this case Denis Dutton talked about sexual attraction.

I agree with those facts and those beauty visions in other issues because most of us thinks beauty as a part of ourselves only with clothing as a decoration, making consumism the most beauty-senseless agent in the world.